Principal’s Message  

"What feels like the end is often the beginning"

Dear Members of the DAVPS Rohini family, Well wishers and  Visitors.....

Warm Greetings !

I welcome you all to a new session of achieving new milestones...

The stage is set...

The props are ready and

Our students are perched like fledgling birds....

...Eager to spread their wings and fly towards more enriching and spiritual heights

With great pride and excitement, we welcome you to our current sessions  School Website..... An online platform to provide a wider audience to showcase the glimpses of the wonderful work that our school is doing. As you navigate your way through the contents of this website, you will find answers to many preliminary questions you may have about our school, or its Academic Programme ;  and at the same time, you will be enthused with a sense of rich flavours of life at our school.


As the Principal of the school I feel honoured and privileged,  to be a part of an educational institution, where every stakeholder is a learner and everyday is an opportunity to learn and discover. We look at ourselves as a community of learners where everyone is engaged in meaningful learning. A student's learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home and school and as we all know, the stronger the partnership is,the more your child will benefit. Value the staff members and appreciate their efforts, for they provide your ward...a safer home, away from their actual home.

Enjoy Looking through our website and do not hesitate to contact us, if you have questions to be answered or would like a guided tour.

Return regularly to checkout our latest circulars and achievements.

Thank you for visiting our school website, and we are looking forward to a very wonderful and fruitful association with all our stakeholders.


Rajbir Kaur
DAVPS, Rohini, Delhi

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New Delhi-110085
Email-ID: [email protected] 
Phone No: 011-46054892, 8595003414 

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